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Sindrome da Dopo Concerto: le 9 fasi della depressione post-live

Fase Uno – EuforiaPer un fan accanito di musica non c’è nulla di più significativo dell’assistere all’esibizione della band o dell’artista del cuore e tutti, almeno una volta nella vita, hanno vissuto il rientro a casa e le fasi successive di “ritorno alla realtà” dopo il live oscillando all’interno di una condizione psicologica simile a una specie di lutto. Facendo una rapida ricerca sul web ho scoperto che questo stato d’animo viene chiamato “depressione post concerto” e si manifesta in 9 fasi che funzionano più o meno così:
Si tratta di quella fase che vi assale subito dopo il termine del concerto, fase in cui vi circolano ancora in corpo i residui delle sensazioni esaltanti provate durante il live. Generalmente l’euforia si manifesta mentre siete diretti verso l’uscita del locale, confondendovi ancora di più i neuroni e impedendovi di decidere se mettervi subito in coda nel traffico, fermarvi ore davanti al tavolo del merchandising per scegliere quale t-shirt portarvi a casa o andare a schiacciarvi contro una transenna accanto al tour bus dei vostri idoli, cantando (e probabilmente piangendo) nell’attesa di poter incrociare il loro sguardo per accaparrarvi un autografo, una stretta di mano o un semplice saluto. Nel caso in cui sceglieste quest’ultima opzione sappiate che la fase euforica risulterà notevolmente prolungata. Deliranti.
Fase Due – Riflessione
Trattasi di fase analitica che rappresenta quegli istanti in cui vi fermate a ripercorrere tutto ciò che è successo durante il concerto. La fase riflessiva può svolgersi secondo due modalità opposte: riflessione introspettiva, nel caso in cui la viveste in religioso silenzio chiusi in voi stessi, e riflessione estrinseca, nel caso in cui non riusciste a trattenervi dal parlarne con i vostri amici, parenti, vicini di casa, estranei all’Autogrill. Alcune persone decidono di sfruttare la loro fase riflessiva per riversare i propri pensieri e giudizi nella stesura di un report scritto, di uno stato su Facebook o nel caricamento online (una volta avremmo parlato di sviluppo) delle fotografie scattate durante la serata. Durante questa fase vi trovate spesso a coniare massime grandiose, spiegando come la vostra band preferita possa essere la salvatrice del rock’n’roll e come abbiate deciso di diventarne i fan numero uno sostenendola fino alla morte e portandola con voi nella tomba (fase riflessiva iperbolica). Esagerati.
Fase Tre – Realizzazione
Ecco, lo avete fatto davvero, avete appena affermato che lo show a cui avete assistito ha completamente cambiato la vostra vita. Bravi! Sappiate che arrivati a questo punto siete sulla vetta del monte “Gasato”, over the top, siete pieni zeppi come uova di entusiasmo ma… è esattamente da questo momento in avanti che iniziate a sentire una specie di nausea, un formicolio nella pancia, vedete tutto un po’ più grigio; si chiama tristezza e si sta insinuando sempre più velocemente in voi! State iniziando a realizzare, appunto, che un’esperienza del genere non vi ricapiterà mai più e che non potrete più sperimentare quelle sensazioni provate sotto al palco; ne volete ancora, ma proprio non riuscite a riprodurle. Tutte le vostre foto e i vostri appunti non sono stati in grado di catturare davvero l’essenza e la bellezza di ciò che avete vissuto, mettetevi l’anima in pace, quel che è stato è stato. Rassegnati.
Foto di Roberto Finizio
Foto di Roberto Finizio
Fase Quattro – Realtà
Il giorno dopo il concerto siete tornati alla vita di tutti i giorni, solita routine, solite dannate abitudini, solita esistenza che ora vi sembra ancora più noiosa e vuota dopo una notte come quella appena trascorsa! La depressione sta cercando di defluire dal vostro animo e probabilmente, per accelerarne il processo, inizierete a vaneggiare sui banchi di scuola, in ufficio, nelle aule universitarie, sproloquiando e urlando frasi incazzate del tipo: “Questa non è vita! Quella di ieri sera lo era! Quello era essere vivi! Questo è semplicemente vivere, trascinarsi nell’esistenza, non è Vita!”Filosofi.
Fase Cinque – Emarginazione
Per cercare di completare il processo di rinascita e tirarsi su il morale, spesso può capitare di voler tentare a tutti i costi di ritornare alla Fase Due, quella di Riflessione, ripercorrendo mentalmente le tappe dello show e condividendole con chi non ha partecipato all’evento (una specie di espansione della Riflessione Estrinseca). La maggior parte degli estranei al concerto vi risponderà con un “Wow, figata” o al massimo con un “Eh sì, dev’essere stato proprio fantastico”. Questo non farà altro che aumentare la distanza che ora risiede tra voi e il resto della misera umanità che non può comprendere quanto epico sia stato il live dei vostri idoli:“Ma tu proprio non capisci! Una figata? E’ stato paz-ze-sco. Anzi! Era molto più di tutto questo, non puoi capire!”. Infatti chi è di fronte a voi proprio non vi comprende visto che non riuscite ad articolare una frase di senso compiuto: siete ormai totalmente persi ed estraniati dalla società. Arrivati a questo punto vi sentite abbandonati, emarginati, cercate in ogni dove qualcuno che fosse presente allo spettacolo ma tutti sembrano tragicamente scomparsi, inghiottiti da chissà quale buco nero. Reietti.
Fase Sei – Stalking
D’accordo, ormai è appurato, le persone che vi circondano direttamente proprio non vi comprendono ma voi di vivere nell’emarginazione musicale proprio non ci state. Comincia la fase stalking, quel lasso di tempo che passate alla ricerca compulsiva di persone attraverso le quali poter rivivere indirettamente ciò che avete passato quella sera, stalker come voi. Partite dunque all’attacco sondando il Web e i Social Network alla ricerca di fanbase organizzate nelle quali racimolare i contatti di chi parteciperà alle prossime date dei vostri amati implorandoli di condividere con voi ciò che vivranno (o di portarvi con loro) e di liste di partecipanti al concerto a cui avete assistito tramite gli eventi di Facebook, digitando hashtag all’impazzata su Twitter e frugando tra i tag di Tumblr e Youtube. Fareste qualsiasi cosa pur di raggiungere di nuovo lo stato d’animo della Fase Uno, anche organizzare una spedizione di massa per strisciare davanti alla sede dello staff della band, realmente o virtualmente che sia. Determinati.
Foto di Dina De Paris
Foto di Dina De Paris
Fase Sette – Perdita del controllo
L’impulsività si è impadronita di voi, avete realizzato che la vostra esistenza sola e senza vita può essere colmata solo da ciò che vi ha scaraventati in questa difficile situazione: un concerto. Spostate la vostra ricerca dai Social Network ai siti LiveNation, TicketOne, BandsInTown, Rockon, VivoConcerti e qualsiasi altra piattaforma in cui poter visualizzare la lista dei prossimi live in programma; anche qualora la prossima data dovesse tenersi nell’altro globo terrestre voi siede determinati ad acquistarne il biglietto: “Isole Chatham? Sì, è una buona idea, in fondo la Nuova Zelanda non è poi così lontana!”. Non vi ferma nemmeno il prezzo esorbitante dato dal totale ingresso+viaggio, spenderete un sacco di soldi, tutti quelli che avete nel ”salvadanaio concerti”, pur di sentirvi di nuovo vivi… suona un po’ come una droga. Ecco, siete questo. Drogati.
Fase Otto – Accettazione
Sì, siete un caso disperato di dipendenza da live e sì, avete intenzione di andare a quel concerto alle Isole Chatham perché avete un motivo valido per giustificarlo: “E se fosse il loro ultimo tour?”, “E se si dovessero sciogliere subito dopo?”. Indossate la camicia di forza e tornate con i piedi sul suolo terrestre, accettate l’evidenza. Un viaggio in Nuova Zelanda vi costa circa 1500 euro, se vi va bene, e 33 ore di volo; sul serio, dove volete andare?! Potete svenare il conto in banca, organizzare la delirante trasferta e acquistare quel dannato biglietto oppure realizzare che le circostanze non sono certo favorevoli e accettare il fatto che dovrete attendere il prossimo concerto nelle vostre zone o, almeno, all’interno della vostra Nazione.Maturi.
Fase Nove – ResurrezioneFinalmente tutti i sintomi post-concerto stanno svanendo e presto sarete di nuovo in grado di guardare le vostre fotografie dello show non come riflessi senza vita di una notte che nessuno potrà restituirvi, bensì come pezzi di memoria, quella memoria che vi darà sostegno e sostentamento fino al prossimo live, fino a quando, dunque, sarete nuovamente vittime di questa piacevole tortura. Sopravvissuti.

Taragalte Festival in Morocco


Combining the two aims of cultural exchange and sustainable development through tourism, Taragalte festival presents a programme of world music, exhibitions, shows and workshopsagainst the majestic backdrop of the Sahara Desert.

Taking place since 2009, Taragalte is based on the concept of the traditional Moussem – a festival held when the trade caravans of neighbouring communities entered the big oasis of Taragalte (M’hamid) after traveling across the desert for months.

Putting an emphasis on uniting different populations of the North African Sahara and the rest of the world. Traditional and modern music, legends, stories, and customs are combined and brought to life through one enriching and unique experience.


[Event Review] Mint Festival 2013

MiNT Festival

Saturday 21st September 2013

Lotherton Hall, Leeds

MiNT is a brand fast growing in Leeds, and the success of it has been noticed globally, having past been placed at number 22 in the worldwide top 100 clubs (DJ Mag) and won DJ Mags award for Britain’s Best Small Club (MiNT Club). Since the clubs refurbishment it has expanded to the just as popular MiNT Warehouse and as of last year, MiNT Festival. The festival takes place a few miles out from the city centre at Lotherton Hall, and this year boasted 6 stages hosted by both local and internationally renowned clubbing brands. These included System & Louche, Blacklight, Bitch, Bigger Than Barry & Set One Twenty, Teknicolor & Distrikt, Goodgreef & Digital Society and Jungle Jam & Detonate. Having sold out this year it was looking to be even bigger than last.

Arriving at the festival at around 2pm it was already busy with people from many parts of the country. We headed straight for the Blacklight tent to see the Detroit legend Jeff Mills hammer some hard ones from early on. His mixing was flawless and apart from one unavoidable needle jump it was perfection. The combination of smoke and lighting from behind the booth provided the crowd with a view of an eerie silhouette which contributed greatly to the militant style of music. He finished with a beat-less 5 or something minute outro which rounded off a great start to the day.

Next we headed over to the System & Louche tent to catch the last half of Enzo Siragusa playing on his own birthday. Slowing down from Mills’ 128ish bpm techno it was a stripped back yet still bassy serving of the minimalistic house style the Fuse brand and Enzo are reckoned with. Interacting well and playing with a smile on his face, it looked like it was a happy birthday for him indeed!

After watching half an hour of Dixon’s synth heavy, more progressive techno we opted for a change of location which led us to the Teknicolor & Distrikt tent to watch Adam Shelton play to a packed out mass of raised arms and cheering voices. As I wandered in he was mixing in a popular vinyl only cut from Italojohnson which led into a cascade of drum lead, chunky house which caused the crowd to erupt with an awesome energy.

It seemed a shame to leave however, walking into the quieter Blacklight tent once more our choice was not in vein as Surgeon was continuing on with some tremendous techno. Words from the crowd led me to the conclusion that this for the majority of the techno heads, he was the highlight of the Blacklight line up. He was playing a constantly rolling serving of mean music which had every last one of the punters moving. I couldn’t quite see onto the desk, but it looked like he was playing partly live with a 909 which added to the impressiveness of how on point his performance was.

Heading back to the System & Louche tent I saw Seth Troxler who was shortly into the penultimate helping of tunes that many know are consistently on form. Having seen him three or four times I had my usual expectations and I have to say it was possibly my favourite time seeing him. This consistency as many of you will be familiar with has earned him the place as the world’s number one DJ (RA). His mixing was exciting and his signature two finger flick was a welcoming sight to dance to. One notable moment was a remix of The Prodigy’s ‘No Good’. As everyone knows tracks that are regarded as ‘classics’ are hard to remix, but this one whoever it was from, was great fun.

Before the last act we quickly raced back around the arena to check out the other tents, and whilst some had become fairly quiet the music in every arena was provoking great atmosphere amongst the crowd, whatever the size. One last stint in the Blacklight tent which saw Marcel Dettmann playing a slightly tamer than usual set (from what I saw) led us back to the S&L arena for the last hour of Music On head honcho Marco Carola.

At the back end of a summer in Ibiza with a weekly residency at Amnesia, Marco Carola’s parties have been said to be the best in Ibiza this year, and having not seen him play before myself, I was very excited. From what I had heard I was expecting a show to remember and I wasn’t disappointed. When I bounced in, the lows were filtered out, and I managed to reach where the action was just in time for the bass to whip back in causing an uproar of noise. CO2 cannons and an intense light show were what helped along what was my favourite set of the day. As the other tents finished a little earlier than this one it was now full to the brim but not uncomfortable, and later as he smashed out Technasia’s massively supported I Am Somebody he started to draw his set to a close. Over the last few tracks fading out and back in to get some cheers from the crowds meant the noise and atmosphere in the tent was constantly at a high. As the final track was played and the music stopped I was left wanting more!

This was the first time I had been to the festival and it had been a great day. Making our way to the shuttle buses (which proved to be one hell of a challenge) we headed back into the city where there were several after parties if you wanted to keep going. Having sold out this year it is obvious that MiNT festival has caught on massively, and in my opinion things can only get better!

Barilla Noodle Chief: Gays Can Eat Someone Else's Pasta

The famous Italian pasta maker Barilla -- which reportedly has nearly half the pasta market in Italy and a quarter of the market in the U.S. -- is in hot water today after Guido Barilla, the company's chairman, said in a radio interview last night that his company doesn't like gays, and if gay people have a problem with that, they should feel free to take their business elsewhere:
"We won't include homosexuals in our ads, because we like the traditional family. If the gays don't agree, they could always eat other brands of pasta. Everyone is free to do whatever they want provided it does not annoy others."
The Independent reports that Barilla went on to slam same-sex adoption: "I have no respect for adoption by gay families because this concerns a person who is not able to choose."

Barilla's comments have incensed supporters of LGBT rights in Italy, including pro-equality members of the Italian parliament. Activists have called for a boycott of all twenty Barilla-owned brands.
From The Independent:
Alessandro Zan, a gay rights campaigner and an MP in the left-wing Sel (Sinistra Ecologia Libertà) party, said: "This is another example of Italian homophobia. I'm joining the boycott of Barilla and I hope other parliamentarians do the same."
barilla_pasta.JPGMP Ivan Scalfarotto of the center-left Democratic Party was equally dismayed. He said, "It's depressing that a businessman used to working and traveling around the world should say what Guido Barilla had said. I certainly won't be buying his products anymore."
In the wake of the backlash caused by Barilla's homophobic comments, the company switched into damage-control mode. It released a statement earlier today which it attributed to Barilla himself:
"I'm sorry if my comments on La Zanzara have created misunderstanding or polemic, or if I've offended anyone. In the interview I only wanted to underline the central role of the woman in the family."
I'm sorry too, Mr. Barilla, but your half-assed non-apology is too little too late. You want gays to buy other pasta if they don't agree with your bigotry? Fine -- you've lost my family's business, and I imagine the business of many equality supporters in Italy, the United States, and around the world as well.
Molto ben fatto.

Vegani come animali al macello, il sit-in a Milano

Vegani come animali al macello, il sit-in a MilanoIn costume color carne, macchiati di sangue, impacchettati nel cellophane e sdraiati su confezioni di polistirolo. Con tanto di prezzo e codice a barre. Accanto alle 'confezioni" umane', altri volontari vestiti da macellai e armati di coltelli (finti). Ha fatto tappa anche a Milano, in piazza San Carlo, l'evento internazionale promosso da 269Life, il movimento nato qualche mese a Tel Aviv che si propone di promuovere una vita vegana e cruelty free attraverso la rappresentazione cruda di quanto avviene negli allevamenti di carne bovina. 269Life deve il suo nome a un'azione eclatante dei primi attivisti: in tre si fecero tatuare a fuoco vivo in pubblico il marchio 269, lo stesso di un vitello di un'industria di latticini israeliana nella quale i vegani avevano fatto irruzione per filmare le condizioni di vita nell'allevamento (Andrea Tundo)


Visionquest's Shaun Reeves & Ryan Crosson Debut At Music On: In Review

Visionquest's Shaun Reeves & Ryan Crosson Debut at Music On: In Review

While Visionquest and its members certainly have incredible range and diversity within the musical spectrum, the raw, stripped back techno styling’s of Marco Carola aren’t necessarily something the Detroit boys are known for, and definitely not the sound one would immediately associate with Ryan Crosson and Shaun Reeves. So when we heard these two would be going back-to-back, getting the terrace ready for one of today’s biggest minimal and techno artists, curiosity pulled us straight over to Amnesia nice and early to see what might happen.

Heading in at around quarter to one, Ryan was playing winding, deep grooves, keeping it slow, heavy and pulsing for the early crowd in the terrace. Picking up the pace 10 min later with more bass driven fair, Crosson let filtered melodies creep through, pumping up the steadily filling room with minimal funk. I can say this, the Visionquest member sure does know how to warm things up like a true professional. Each drop kicked the energy just a tad higher, moving even the shyest wallflowers to the floor, eliciting a few shouts from the somewhat scarce crowd, unleashing the bass fully before his friend and label mate, Shaun Reeves took the reigns at 1am, keeping his tunes flowing with haunting atmospherics on top of shuffling rhythms, a slightly more tripped out departure from Crosson, as the terrace became covered in a spindly web of red and green lasers.
Over in the main room, Silvie Loto was contrasting the terrace nicely with quickly paced minimal, its murky subs rumbling low enough to test even the main room’s legendary system. Dark, rolling basslines were pushed along by shuffling rhythms, punctuated by the occasional spaced out break where cold atmospherics combined with teasing hats wafted out over us, sometimes rolling gently back into the beat, other times, kicking back unexpectedly, causing the crowd to spasm simultaneously with joy.
Back over in the terrace, Crosson was back on doing his thing, the pace nice and lively with jumping yet casual beats. Dropping bass-heavy hip shakers like Feline 9’s 'Right About Now,' Ryan kept the ever-filling floor bobbing in time. From there, Reeves headed over to Cab Drivers’ 'Dropped Eye,' a sneaky little number that sucked everyone deep into the groove, allowing the duo to really unleash with one of the summer’s biggest hits, Tiga & Audion’s ‘Let's Go Dancing,’ its cutting hi-hats pumping the crowd up, Crosson waving his arms to the drop, singing along to the sex fueled lyrics as Reeves took over for his go, hitting us with the shuffling rhythms and whispering lyrics of ‘Slowly’ by Jssst. Suddenly, the duo surprised everyone, breaking out Pirupa’s 2012 anthem, ‘Party Non Stop,’ though the unexpectedness definitely played to their advantage, as everyone cheered with a slightly confused, albeit carefree demeanor, the duo heading into hypnotic, bass heavy territory with Seasons End’s 'Wasscass' before the Pirupa’s infamous lyrics could even drop.
Though the Visionquest sound might not be the norm for a party like Carola’s, it was an all around grand departure, giving both the crowd something new to feast their ears on, and a new vibe for Carola to weave his magic from, which of course he did in full. Once again the Music On master took the crowd on another incredible ride from start to stop, heading in a much more melodic direction than most other Fridays, quite possibly feeding heavily off of his warm up pair. Though by the time it was over, Carola was once again guilty of leaving all the dedicated masses who remained till the last beat standing elated, yet confused. Much like reading the last sentence in one of your favorite books, when Carola’s story time is over for the evening, all you can ask yourself is, ‘what am I supposed to do now?’ Luckily one only needs to wait a mere six more days until we get to sit around the Carola camp fire once again, but with mixed emotions this time around, as once the music stops next Friday, it will be six more months before we can gather round the Italian techno god once again for another tale from Music On. In other words, you don’t want to miss it, so grab your tickets below.


Space closing party! The official line up!

This is the line up for the closing of Space Ibiza, next 6th of October!

The line up is absolutely great! Carl Cox, Richie Hawtin, Paco Osuna, Nicole Moudaber, Guti, Josh Wink, Remo, Nina Kraviz… are you ready for an epic party?

For more infos

Here you have the complete poster for an event not to miss!


Does the DJ Mag “Top 100 DJs” List Even Matter?

Does the DJ Mag “Top 100 DJs” List Even Matter?


Well if you didn’t know, it’s that time of year again; yes, you can now vote for your favorite DJs in the 2013 DJ Mag “Top 100 DJs” list. Surely, you’ve been hammering their website and placing your bets…
It’s crazy to think that this poll has been running since 1997, but has only been based on public vote since 2010, especially when you consider that Armin van Buuren has been the top DJ five times since 2007 (and the likes of TiestoPaul Oakenfold, and Paul van Dyk all being multiple winners). Truthfully, we’ve only known about the voting because our Twitter timelines have featured DJs saying things like “hey, here’s the link, but don’t vote for me” in a number of humorous ways (or even just daring to be different and voting for Pedro). I guess they figured Armin would win again, or they wouldn’t be able to crack the house/trance stranglehold that’s placed atop the list, so why bother? Especially when we’re a year removed from DJ Mag having to report about scandals involving votes being sold on eBay. Yes, that happened. And it’s happening again.
Taio FoLies took to his Facebook page to let the world know that he received a call saying he should ante up to be on the same playing field as his peers in terms of getting the word out:
Just took a bizarre unsolicited phone call from a publicity company who help DJs promote themselves for the Top 100 poll, who told me I should be aware one of my ‘competitors’ (as she put it) was spending $15,000 on Twitter advertising alone, and unless I got on that sort of level, I would find it ‘hard to compete’. Obviously not going to say who the DJ was, but I was nearly sick in my mouth.”
How disgusting is that? We can all assume that this kind of thing happens, but truth be told, it could just be a way for random entities to shoehorn in on the EDM game and squeeze whatever funds they can get during this competitive season. It begs the question: If people will be that brazen to call you and implore you to step up, how many DJs are that naive/gullible to take the bait and pony up whatever the “publicity company” is asking for? We actually like Gareth’s next bit:
So here’s an alternative Top 100 message: Don’t vote for me. Seriously, when you buy a ticket to see me in a club, I consider that a vote. When you blast my music in your car, or share it on Facebook, or tell your friends about it, that’s a vote too. Those votes, and the amazing support you’ve shown over the last year, is what matters to me.
If you did plan on voting for me, give that vote instead to the DJs you see spending their money on promoted tweets, sponsored stories, banner adverts, rebranded twitter pages, etc. If they care that much about their number, just let them have it.
In return for your non-votes, rather than spend an amount on a campaign that would probably buy a school in Africa, I am going to donate the same amount to charity, and maybe some good can come out of this.”
DAD actually received an email blast from UMEK that blended a call for votes with some concrete honesty:
For years now the guys from my office have been banging their heads against the wall in an effort to come up with numerous creative ways to ask fans to vote for me. Everything but a simple »can you please vote for me?«
Does life really has to be always complicated?
And I’m noticing this is the case with most of my fellow DJs. In a way we all want to be rebels and pretend we don’t give a shit about how we rank on this semi-official list of who’s who in the industry. But if I’m being completely honest – I want to be on this list and I want to be on it as high as possible. There shouldn’t be any shame in admitting that. The ranking doesn’t influence my number of bookings, nor the price I can charge for my performance. It’s just an ego trip and let’s face it – we all like it. Some of DJs out there like it so much, they go too far with it by hiring Indian companies, pay hackers and do all kinds of twisted stuff (like getting the president of your country to make a public announcement hehehe) to get a few places higher. And then at the same time pretend to ignore the results once they come out. But in the end everyone of us awaits that moment at ADE, when the magazine announces the results.
So fuck it – if you like what I do, show me support, if you like what Guetta does, vote for him, if you fancy how Paris Hilton turns those »cute little buttons on that mixer thingy«, vote for her. It doesn’t matter what others say. DJ Mag made their way into creating a benchmark for dance music and although with all the subtle and not so subtle campaigns, sometimes the whole thing really looks like a beauty pageant, it means something to me and my fellow performers to see our names among the great 100.”
We can’t hate on that. DJing is as much of an art as it’s been a competition, and now that the business of EDM is on the rise, they’re competing for bookings and, ultimately, for the dollars of the ravers out there hoping to secure guaranteed bang(s) for their buck. And while we’re fine with the act of ranking, we’re definitely not about buying into the tops of the list.
After all of this, the question still remains: does the DJ Mag “Top 100 DJs” list even matter? Do you feel that the list is tainted because of the prior scandals and the attempts of corrupting the 2013 list so far? Do you even vote for your favorite DJ(s) on this list? Have you ever looked at the list as a proper gauge of what’s going on in the dance music scene, for good or ill? Let us know.


Here's how are the clubs of Berlin "after the storm"

© Giesemann/Schulz
What is in any nightclub after a night of music, cocktails, items, cigarettes and sweat? A void, but a void that can tell many stories.

Two photographers Berlin, André-Alexander Giesemann and Daniel Schulz, visited the most popular clubs in the city in the early hours of the morning, immortalizing the post-apocalyptic scenarios left by customers at the end of a night of partying.

The project is called "Vom Bleiben." And is fully visible at this address. Among the premises visited by Giesemann Schulz and there are Tresor, Watergate, Ego, Baalsaal, About: blank and many others.
Here are some of the shots (© Giesemann / Schulz):

Soirée Hip Hop Family


Date event: 26/10/2013
Salle Renaissance: Avenue Mohammed V Rabat
Get Your Ticket Now:


Connu comme étant l’un des fondateurs du groupe IAM, Freeman est arrivé dans le rap par la danse avant de s’emparer du micro avec le groupe Marseillais et en solo. L’un des Monsieur du Rap français est connu pour ces nombreuses collaborations. Il sera parmis nous pour partager son expérience et son parcours.

Rappeur français et né au Congo, Mystik a partagé son micro avec les plus grands du rap français. Membre du collectif Bisso Na Bisso, sa voix est dans les bacs depuis 1999 en groupe ou en solo. Il sera parmis nous pour partager son expérience.

Rappeur français du Sud de la France, il se fait remarquer tout d’abord dans sa ville natale à Montpellier avant de faire le tour de la France via les premières parties des plus grands groupes français. Après plusieurs collaborations, il est régulièrement en tournée internationale et connait parfaitement le public Marocain pour avoir joué plusieurs fois.

De son vrai nom Younes Taleb, Mobydick est un rappeur Rbati qui s'est fait une belle place dans la sphère Hip Hop marocaine. Totalement inconnu du public il y a seulement deux ans, il est aujourd'hui l'un des rappeurs qui passe le plus sur les ondes marocaines. Le tournant de sa carrière ? Sa victoire dans la catégorie Rap / Hip Hop du tremplin du Festival l'Boulevard, en 2006. En effet, le jury du festival casablancais, impressionné par son flow et son style particuliers le désigne vainqueur, sans se douter qu'il s'agissait de sa première prestation sur scène.

Psycho.M "Mohamed Jendoubi" est un jeun rappeur tunisien, un rappeur fort et courageux, vu que le fait de chanter des chansons sur la religion, les sionistes, Israel, les medias ... etc. est si osé tant qu'il est dans un pays manipuler pas ceux qui clash, et qu'il risque sa vie. je vous laisse découvrir ce jeun tunisien d'après ces morceaux.


Hip Hop Family donne aux passionnés du hip hop un rendez-vous le Samedi 26 Octobre 2013 à partir de 20h00 à la salle « La Renaissance » pour une soirée riche en activités toutes dédiées à la culture hip-hop. Cet enchantement musical sera une sorte d’évènement professionnel au service d’échange et de partage d’expérience entres les artistes qui réponderont présents à cet évènement, à savoir Freeman ,Mystik, Saber « France » Mobydick Psyco M.
Sera organisé en vue de clôture en beauté cette manifestation à vacation culturelle. Ce rassemblement se fera marqué par multiples rencontres entre maints perceurs de la culture Hip Hop, aussi bien qu’en France qu’au Maroc, le tout dans une optique d’éclaircissement de l’imagine de cet art urbain. Médias et sponsors seront conviés à y assister. Entre échange, partage et dialogue libre entre les différents courants culturels franco-marocaines, la dimension apportée par cet « after-show » servira à promouvoir l’authenticité et protéger la propre valeur de cette culture, tant considérée étrangère.

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Who is the best Player? The Ibiza DJ Awards 2013

What the Oscar is for actors, the Ibiza DJ Award wants to be for DJs. The prestigious prize is awarded for the 16th time this year in a pompous ceremony at Pacha. Among the nominees are this season’s finest artists from David Guetta and Armin van Buuren over Luciano and Sven Väth to Carl Cox and Maceo Plex.

Until the end of August fans could vote for their favourites online at, now the winners will be revealed at a gala night on September 25th. Among the most exciting categories is ‘Best Electro House’ where greats like David Guetta, Steve Angello, Calvin Harris or Afrojack are battling it out. For ‘Best Techno DJ’ it’s a fierce fight between Carl Cox, Richie Hawtin and Sven Väth.

As usual the DJ Awards are not exempt from critique. Many question whether Dubfire or Sasha indeed play Tech-House, and also if Maceo Plex is belonging to the Deep-House category raised more than a few eyebrows.

Others are questioning the transparency of the voting process. And with only four women among the nominees our scene is still largely in the hands of men.

However, the mere nomination is a coveted acknowledgment of ones impacts on the Ibiza scene and the event is not to be thought of as a battle but a celebration and gathering of talent.

Apart from the nine categories which where voted by fans, a jury of experts and professionals will award eleven special prices. Among these are ‘Track of the year’, ‘Best Ibizan night’ or ‘Best Producer’. Last year the Vagabundos and ENTER. teams shared ‘Best Ibiza Party’ and Solomun was awarded producer of the year.

This year’s ceremony is taking place on Wednesday, September 25th at Pacha, followed by Guy Gerber’s party Wisdom of the Glove. Apart from the host, Audiofly and Mayaan Nidam will play, along with Visionquest’s Lee Curtiss and Shaun Reeves.


La polizia di New York incoraggia l’installazione di iOS 7

l New York Police Department (NYPD) distribuisce volantini all'esterno degli Apple Store per invogliare gli utenti ad aggiornare il proprio dispositivo ad iOS 7 per le nuove funzionalità legate alla sicurezza.

“Aggiornate ad iOS 7!” Come ormai ampiamente annunciato durante la scorsa settimana, a partire dal 18 Settembre l’azienda di Cupertino ha ufficialmente lanciato la settima versione del sistema operativo dedicato ad iPhone, iPod touch ed iPad segnando uno dei più importanti punti di svolta della storia di iOS.

Se, da una parte, molti utenti attendevano da mesi il lancio del nuovo sistema operativo per poter usufruire delle nuove funzionalità, sono stati altrettanto numerosi i casi di chi completamente spaesato dalla nuova interfaccia utente ha preferito evitare l’aggiornamento continuando ad usare la precedente versione 6.1.4. Ma a quanto pare non sono soltanto gli utenti Apple a parlare dell’aggiornamento più atteso dell’anno.

Secondo quanto riportato da diverse fonti statunitensi, infatti, il NYPD (New York Police Department) avrebbe iniziato a diffondere un volantino nei pressi degli Apple Store della città di New York per incoraggiare gli utenti ad aggiornare ad iOS 7 per poter usufruire della nuova funzionalità “Lock Acrivation” legata alla sicurezza del dispositivo in caso di furto. Attraverso essa, infatti, ogni dispositivo portatile dell’azienda di Cupertino non potrà essere riattivato o ripristinato a seguito di un furto se non attraverso l’immissione dell’ID Apple. Ecco il contenuto del volantino:


A partire dal 18 Settembre 2013, le nuova funzionalità di iOS 7 hanno introdotto una maggiore sicurezza ai vostri dispositivi Apple. Attraverso il download del sistema operativo, se il vostro dispositivo andrà perso o rubato non potrà essere più ripristinato se non con un ID Apple ed una password. Il download è gratuito.

Si tratta del punto di contatto più evidente tra l’azienda di Cupertino e la Polizia di New York che con grande probabilità scaturisce dalle pressioni avanzate dal sindaco Bloomberg nel corso dei mesi scorsi per tentare di limitare il sempre crescente numero di furti nella capitale della Borsa statunitense.


cannabis2 (1)È prevista per il 22 Ottobre 2013 la data di inizio della Raccolta Firme Ufficiale del Progetto FreeWeed (sito ufficiale), per proporre un Referendum Abrogativo contro la Legge Fini-Giovanardi, che vieta l’utilizzo di sostanze stupefacenti senza far differenza tra droghe leggere e droghe pesanti, e puntare quindi verso la legalizzazione della coltivazione domestica di piccole quantità edistinguere la Cannabis dalle altre droghe pesanti a cui è paragonata.
Come avevamo già scritto in un precedente articolo sul canale dei Radicali Italiani è stato pubblicato un video (che ricondividiamo alla fine di questo articolo) dove viene illustrata la legalizzazione e tutti i suoi benefici anche agli adulti. Se volete un’idea completa del perché la Cannabis deve essere legalizzata guardate il video, altrimenti leggete questi 10 ottimi motivi che riassumono il tutto:
  1. Perché la cannabis non ha mai ucciso nessuno, a parte chi si è suicidato per via del proibizionismo.
  2. Perché chi dice che la cannabis fa male sono solo politici, loschi affaristi, preti, gestori di centri di recupero e ignoranti, mentre chi dice il contrario sono medici, ricercatori, sociologi e malati che potrebbero essere curati grazie alla marijuana.
  3. Perché 1 italiano su 3 ha fumato marijuana almeno una volta nella vita, alimentando così la criminalità organizzata (visto che per lo Stato italiano se hai una piantina vuol dire che sei uno spacciatore, quindi si rischia meno andandola a comprare dallo spacciatore vero).
  4. Perché tutti sanno che dalla canapa si ricava uno stupefacente, ma non tutti sanno che dalla canapa si ricavano anche: uno dei migliori tessuti per gli abiti (nelle antiche tribù si tramandavano i vestiti da padre in figlio), corde, sacchi, carta (la costituzione francese è scritta su carta di canapa), oli rilassanti per il corpo, saponi e detergenti, bioplastica, combustibile non inquinante (Ford aveva inventato una macchina economica realizzata con bioplastiche derivate dalla canapa e che utilizzava la canapa come combustibile non inquinante), materiale isolante, mattoni, olio alimentare e veri e propri medicinali per svariate patologie (dal Febbraio 2012 i medicinali a base di marijuana sono legali in Italia, ma chissà perché non ne parla nessuno…)
  5. Perché un fumatore di cannabis non deve essere trattato come un cittadino di serie B, mentre chi beve una birra no. Fumare uno spinello non fa più male di bere un alcolico.
  6. Perché se la cannabis è una droga leggera lo sono anche le sigarette. Quindi se la cannabis è illegale devono essere illegali anche le sigarette! Oppure quest’ultime sono legali perché, essendo quasi impossibile coltivarsi il tabacco a casa, devi per forza pagare lo Stato per le sigarette?
  7. Perché siamo stanchi di sentirci dire che “la canna è l’anticamera delle droghe pesanti”. Lo sarà fin quando sarà illegale, poiché è lo spacciatore che offre al suo cliente altre droghe. Non esiste nessun riscontro scientifico a questa affermazione, anzi, la cannabis è un buon rimedio per combattere i sintomi da astinenza nelle dipendenze da benzodiazepine, oppiacei e alcool. Per questa ragione, è stata chiamata da alcuni “droga di passaggio all’indietro”.
  8. Perché c’è tanta gente che soffre e ha trovato una cura ma non può usufruirne perché qualche politico ha detto che “la Cannabis è una droga e fa male”. Quel politico dovrebbe ammalarsi di sclerosi multipla, glaucoma o addirittura di cancro e aver bisogno di fare la chemioterapia, o dovrebbe venirgli un attacco epilettico. Poi dovrebbero gridargli tutti in coro: “Te l’avevamo detto noi”.
  9. Perché non è vero che la marijuana porta alla violenza e al crimine. La cannabis ha una probabilità molto più bassa dell’alcool di scatenare comportamenti aggressivi: invece di scatenare il comportamento criminale, la cannabis tende a reprimerlo. L’intossicazione induce una leggera sonnolenza che non è ottimale per alcuna attività fisica, di conseguenza nemmeno per commettere crimini. I consumatori di marijuana durante “l’high”, possono pensare o dire cose che non direbbero o penserebbero di solito, ma non farebbero mai cose estranee alla loro natura. Quindi se un fumatore di cannabis non è un criminale di natura, non diventa criminale nemmeno sotto l’azione della marijuana
  10. Perché c’è chi si nasconde, chi la rinnega, chi si espone e chi se ne frega. Ma intanto, siamo circa quattro milioni solo in Italia.
Per concludere, vi consigliamo di andare a firmare giorno 22 Ottobre 2013 per smetterla con questa stupida farsa! Legalizziamola!



Closing Parties: ALL STAR EVENTS Guide for 2013

Closing Parties: ALL STAR EVENTS Guide for 2013

We've been extra nice and prepared a mammoth guide so you can really make the most out of the end of your season.

Why Come?

This is a truly magical time on the island. August crowds are long gone and generally the people left on or now visiting the island are essentially (and refreshingly) all about the music. Don’t expect closing parties to be anything but packed, but you can expect a fantastic atmosphere and dance floors full of like-minded clubbers. A lot of party-goers and PR-workers have trudged back to their homeland after wearing out their feet and their wallets, so you can actually get some of those beautiful spots on the island to yourselves. You can expect a slightly more mature crowd than you experience mid-season, as you get a lot of long-time Ibiza veterans coming out purely for closings, well aware that the best is normally saved until last.
These parties are legendary – expect lots of toe-curling, face-scratching, grabbing your mobile and Shazaming the hell out of that amazing song moments, where you and other clubbers (who have naturally become your BEST FRIENDS EVER) lose your collective faculties and DJs let their hair down, taking risks for one last time. You also get a lot more 'bang for your buck' by purchasing tickets to these nights; all closing parties, especially during (but not limited to) the final fortnight, tend to rebel past their curfew, so the closing period is an excellent opportunity for clubbers to prove their mettle by dancing well past breakfast at every opportunity. If you’re like me, maybe try sneaking a mini croissant through security - when you’ve been at three amazing overrunning closings in a row, your feet will thank you for a bit of extra energy to stomp with.

How do you get here?

Taking the example of flying from the UK, flights are still readily available in September, though slightly less so in October. Prices vary wildly, but do get cheaper the later you go, as it is no longer peak season. Jet2 and RyanAir seem to provide the cheapest flights, however the later in the season you go the more likely you are to have to fly from one of the more central or larger airports, meaning the possibility of a short train adventure first, and in both cases hold luggage is extra. (It’s worth noting though, that you get a 22kg allowance for around £20 with Jet2 in comparison to 15kg for around £25 with RyanAir). If flying seems a bit too simple however, you can always drive over, making the epic journey part of the experience, and even road-tripping around parts of Europe on your way there (and especially on your way back so you don’t have to throw yourself right back into reality on your return). According to Google Maps, driving from London to Ibiza would take around 22 hours, at 1113 miles, including the train through the Channel Tunnel to France and the Ferry from Barcelona to Ibiza Town. Working that out at around 10p per mile the cost is £111.30 or €140. The ferry from Barcelona to Eivissa is around €200 each way depending on the day you travel, and the Eurotunnel train with a car comes out at around £75 each way. So between 4 or 5 people that’s pretty good and extends your holiday and ‘remember when...!’ story ratio. 
Flight & Ferry Information -

Where should you stay?

You should choose your accommodation based on which clubs you think you’ll be calling ‘home’ for the week. Space, Ushuaïa, DC10 and Sankeys are all based around Playa d'en Bossa, so if you want to be within walking distance or spend little to nothing on a taxi, staying in Bossa is the way forward. This also makes disco napping between parties a lot easier; less time travelling + more time snoozing = more hardcore partying!

Island Transport:

Bus – There are various bus routes around the island that run from morning to evening. Prices are at about €1-3 depending on the route and time.
Details here -
For the night hours there is also a Discobus service, which takes clubbers in San An, PDBand Ibiza Town to and from all the major clubs on the island at the bargainous price of €3each way. Really the Discobus has been a fantastic very much underrated service that has meant I’ve been able to enjoy so many nights out this season and not had to worry about spending a bomb on taxis home. 
Alas, the Discobus service finishes on September 30th (lets be fair, the Discobus drivers deserve to get in on some closing action), so if you’re coming out for Ibiza’s closing credits in October don’t forget to budget and bring enough money for your taxis home (here’s where it pays to stay near the clubs you think you’ll most want to go to, as you’d save heaps on taxis). If you’d really rather spend your cents on staying mildly hydrated in the clubs rather than a taxi ride home, many regular bus services start running at about 7am, so you can always wait around for one of those to show up and save on the cab. A word from the experienced; if you do attempt this, try to look as prim and pulled together as possible, if you look too much like a rabid raver, the drivers won’t be too keen to let you mingle with normal civilisation.
Privilege runs a free bus service, taking people home to PDB or San Antonio, but it’s just the one bus, so you can’t always rely on getting on it. Amnesia also has a free bus service taking clubbers to Amnesia from San Antonio (as well as from Playa d'en Bossa), but again, when it will come and whether you will get on can’t be guaranteed. Also, in both cases, it means you have to leave the party an hour or so before the end which, let’s face it, is just as regretful an idea as walking out of Star Wars before the Darth Vader-father-revelation.
Taxi – There are many taxis around in each of the major towns. Just look for the line of white cars! The main taxi rank in San An is at the bottom of the West End, and there are various taxi ranks along the main road in PDB. You’re looking at around €8 from PDB to Ibiza Town, around €30 between PDB and San An, and around €25 between San An and Ibiza Town.

Anything Else?

Most of the bars and beach clubs will still be open during September but you can't count on all of them. Sa Trinxa on Salinas beach is a cool afternoon hangout spot for clubbers, which remains open until late in the season. A lovely and free entertainment option is of course watching the sunset, which, at this time of the year, is particularly good to watch from Cap d'es Falco, in the Salinas area.
Finally, don’t be fooled into thinking Ibiza is a sweltering sunny paradise all year round. By October, things are pretty nippy – after the unexpected and unpleasant wind chill of May, I won’t be tackling October without a pair of trusty jeans and something long-sleeved. Oh, and you may as well be at peace with the fact that your tan will fade as quick as your hierbas buzz will wear off with the huge packed clubbing schedule we’re about to lay out for you, you’ll be lucky to see much daylight.

Party Guide:

This year, the first fortnight of closing parties are quite well spread out, giving you time in between to rest and recuperate.
Monday 16th September: Roger Sanchez says goodbye to his inner freak until next year, with the Cafe Ole Closing Party at SpaceSanchez is joined by House South Brothers and one of the island’s underground favourites Marco Loco amongst others.
Tuesday 17th September: Luciano finishes his Luciano and Friends residency, joined by Mirko Loko, Mendo, Chez Damier and more, a great way for this event to go out with a bang, taking over both club and tower of Ushuaïa.
Wednesday 18th September: the island says goodbye to its weekly injections of live music as Ibiza Rocks ends on a high with the wonderful Foals headlining, supported byJagwar Ma and Kiwi. As always, the party then continues at Es Paradis with the final edition of the Ibiza Rocks After Party. Also, Space's in house residency Ibiza Callingcomes to a close.
Thursday 19th September: in case you missed Cream Closing Party Part 1 on the12thThursday 19th September offers a second instalment; in fact, you may agree that it’s the, er, cream of the cream.... Cream Closing Part 2 features Paul Van Dyk andEddie Halliwell in the main room, then Laidback Luke and special guest, who went down a storm last year, Benny Benassi, on the famous Terrace.
Friday 20th September: Ibiza Rocks' fledgling party W.A.R. We Are Rockstars shuts the Ibiza Rocks Hotel doors for good, with Mark Ronson & usual suspects Zane LoweDoorly rounding off WAR's second season. Clandestin lock even their favourite partiers out as Felix Da Housecat will most certainly catterwaul the Terrace of Space down in a farewell. On the other side of the island, the streets of San Antonio will be shaking thanks to Judgement Fridays Closing at Eden, with The Judge himself, Showtek et al.
Saturday 21st September: Amnesia's infamous gay-friendly spectacular Matinéecomes to a close, and as the only closing this night, there's no excuse not to go get a bit wild with some sequins and feathers.
Sunday 22nd September: Eden presents the closing of Ferry Corsten's Full On Ferry party with Marco V, Sied van Riel, Ben Gold and of course Ferry himself. 
The whole week beginning the 23rd September sees the end of nearly all off-shore expeditions. Let’s face it, unless you’re the Jack Sparrow of the high seas I doubt your sea legs are sturdy enough for the choppy waves and stormy swells late September likes to bring. On Tuesday 24th and Friday 27th, both the San Antonio and Playa d’en BossaPukka Up Boat Parties bid us adieu until next year (but there is one extra Pukka Up boat from San Antonio on 1st October), and the Lost In Ibiza Boat drops its sails after a final party with Huxley as main act on Wednesday 25th September. 
Monday 23rd September: house heads and trance fans will be divided betweenHypercolour at Sankeys, who are hosting a Hotflush Recordings special with Scuba, George Fitzgerald and Dense & Pika, and Armin van Buuren’s epic A State of TranceClosing with Armin, New World Punx (that’s Markus Schulz and Ferry Corsten’s team-up), W&W and Cosmic Gate.
Tuesday 24th September: That's a big date! You'll have to decide between Together Closing Party (Part 1) at Amnesia and Carl Cox Closing Party, with Amnesia housing Chase & Status, Sub Focus, Nero, Knife Party andSander van Doorn on the (mostly) drum and bass side of things, and Coxy going out with a bang with tINI, Loco Dice et al at Space. Also, no time to recover for Sankeysfans, as it’s Diynamic Neon Nights Closing, with Solomun, H.O.S.H, Stimming, David August and the full Diynamic family getting involved, including one of this summer’s hottest freshest duos Adriatique. We're still not done though, because it's the last possibility for you to enjoy the 80s & 90s Special Edition of the Fiesta del Agua Water Party at Es Paradis. And last, but definitely not least, long-time resident Piti brings you Flower Power Closing at Pacha. Lots of heart-shaped confetti, a vintage soundtrack, free love and free flowers for your hair on entry...What a night!!
Wednesday 25th September: Daytime action first! The Lost in Ibiza boat party normally happens on Thursdays, but for the closing they've moved to Wednesday. Enjoy one more sailing with them and continue the party later at DC-10 for the last Paradisesession of the season (see the combo tickets available for this). Elsewhere, the very lastLa Troya of the season happens on the Amnesia Terrace - don't miss this, it's too much fun! And in San An, you'll get the last Feed the Greed at Eden as well as the final GLOWneon paint party at Es Paradis. 
Thursday 26th September: one for the full timers and not the faint-hearted, withUshuaïa and Space both presenting great closings (and luckily being right opposite each other); Dice presents his final Used & Abused Party with Martin Buttrich, tINI, Pulshar (Live), Hector and an extended set from himself. Meanwhile, the island’s techno troupe don their blacks, and are given even more reason not to smile as we all cry goodbye toRichie Hawtin’s ENTER. experience. You can expect resident Paco Osuna, Matador (Live) and Hawtin himself in the Discoteca, and some of the season’s finest on the Terraza including Maya Jane Coles and Hot Since 82. There’s also what I’d imagine will be an unmissable set from Marcel Dettmann in Enter.Sake. Elsewhere, David and Cathy Guetta confess their love for you one more time at F*** Me I’m Famous Closing, Pacha Edition. Joining Guetta is Chuckie and Daddy's Groove. Over in San Antonio, or to be more specific in Eden, you'll get the last Ministry of Sound session of the summer - line up still to be announced.
Friday 27th September: Marco Carola hosts the last Music On of the season at Amnesia, with a really interesting line-up of Marc Antona, Leon and of course the Ambassador himself most likely playing until some wonderfully ungodly hour on the Terrace, and resident Joseph Capriati, Mar-T and a debut from a firm island favourite, Nic Fanciulli. Watch out for the after hours too! And it's also the last chance for you to get properly wet with Es Paradis' last edition of their Fiesta del Agua Water Party.
Saturday 28th September: another very busy one with daytime and night time closings... You have one more opportunity to get painted like an endangered species (and actually pull it off) at The Zoo Project Closing, then across at Ushuaïa is one of the season’s new party success stories, the Ants Closing Party where Andrea Oliva is joined by Deetron, Timo Maas and Just Be.
On the night of the 28th September, you’ve got plenty of events to choose from. There’s the Hed Kandi & Es Paradis Closing Party at the San An waterfront club, which thanks to Lovely Laura on sax is always a great feel-good night. Or, Carnival Cities Closing atSankeys with the newly-dubbed ‘next Solomun’ Finnebassen, Shlomi Aber, Alexis Raphael, the fantastic William Kouam Djoko and BONES... At Booom! Defected in the House Closing Party boasts a competitive line-up with Eats Everything, Nick Curly, Tensnake, the one and only MK and Noir. Then, at PrivilegeEl Row is also on to their last show with Booka Shade and more and last, but not least it's also theUncaged/Garlands Closing Party at Eden. If you don’t want to regret missing one of these, expect to find yourself running full pelt across town or getting the occasional worth-every-penny taxi! 
So now (drum roll please), we get to the last fortnight of the season... Comfortable dancing shoes tightly laced, people!

Sunday 29th September:

Defying all rules that Sunday is a day of rest, there’s four huge closings. Luckily, most of them are pretty much next door to each other so you have no excuse to not get amongst it! Sasha Presents Never Say Never Closing at The Ushuaïa Tower with Sasha, Guti, Dimitri Nakov and a special guest. Remember this is a free one (which over closings makes a nice change!) but make sure you dress to impress a bit. Across the road at Space is the iconic We Love Closing Party, with Fatboy Slim, 2 Many Djs, Bicep, James Zabiela and Paul Woolford to name but a few.  Just round the corner, Steve Lawler and his VIVa Warriors have one final hurrah, with a line up of Darius, Detlef, Philip Bader, Sante, wAFF and a secret special guest... Over in San Antonio, it's Eden's final dance of the summer, line up still TBA.

Monday 30th September:  

Like your favourite relative that always gives you pocket money each week, Papa Svenfinishes his reliable weekly dose of priceless techno with what you can only expect will be the best line-up of this season at the Cocoon Closing Party. Confirmed so far is of courseSven Väth himself, the legendary sashaying salsa-ing techno Ambassador Ricardo Villalobos and Romanian minimalist Raresh. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be waiting for the rest of this line-up like a child waiting for the latest must-have toy at Christmas.
For those who’d rather get their hands dirty, Pacha and Chuckie provide Epica - Dirty Dutch Closing, with Arty, Gregori Klosman and Glowinthedark. Two great and musically very different nights, so not likely you’ll need to flip a coin for this one.

Tuesday 1st October:

That's a pretty easy one: either you're still partying at the Cocoon afterparty somewhere or then you enjoy the very last Pukka Up Boat Party of the season. Only San Antonio today. There also will be an afterparty at Amnesia on the night after the boat party, line up and specific information still TBA! 

Wednesday 2nd October:

Guy Gerber dusts his gloves off one last time for his mid-week musical trip, Wisdom of the Glove at Pacha. The Israeli-born DJ has chosen his line-ups wisely all through the season, providing some great live sets and some of the most talented artists around. The closing is no exception as he is joined by Magda, dOP (live), Shaun Reeves, Bill Patrick and Maavan Nidam. Here’s hoping he dons his cape again for this final show.  Meanwhile,Sankeys hosts the Fuse Closing Party with none other than tINI, Enzo Siragusa, Seb Zito and Rossko, a brilliant line-up for what has been a brilliant season for this London-based party.

Thursday 3rd October:

  Also on the 3rd, on a Thursday rather than the usual Saturday slot, is the Kehakuma Closing at Space with Levon Vincent et al taking over the Terraza.

Friday 4th October:

Things get crazy over at Pacha with John Digweed and Fritz Kalkbrenner’s Insane Closing Party. The line-up includes some of the biggest acts the residency has seen this season, including DJ Sneak, Derrick Carter, Mark Farina, Coyu and Re:No. Also closing its doors until next year is biggest club in the world, Privilege, with SupermartXé as their final farewell. Expect feathers galore, the tightest speedos you may ever see and a really spectacular show. It's also the final night for Audiofly's Flying Circus at Sankeys. Audiofly are joined by Lee Burridge, Lee Curtiss, Clarian, Acid Pauli, Hector, and if that wasn't fantastic enough, a special guest yet to be announced...

Saturday 5th October:

Ushuaïa's keeping us waiting on this one, as names have yet to be announced... However, if the killer opening line-up including Sven Väth, Joris Voorn, Luciano and Maya Jane Coles is anything to go by we’re not going to be disappointed. It’s also the night of the Pure Pacha Closing Party, a fitting in-house residency for the club to officially end its summer roster with. There is a special guest still to be confirmed, then Shapeshifters andJohn Jacobsen also on the billing.
Saturday 5th is also the start of one of the daddies of closings - Amnesia Closing Party. Starting from midnight and going on well into the next day, this should almost be advertised as a Sunday closing, as some people don’t get there until well past midnight and you can expect to be stomping in the sun-drenched terrace til silly o'clock on Sunday. So far the line-up is huge... Marco Carola, Maceo Plex, Matthias Tanzmann, Steve Lawler, Eats Everything, Mar-T, Neverdogs, CuarteroLes Schmitz, Caal Smile... And there are even more to be added. Eeek!

Sunday 6th October:

Sunday gives you a trio of closings (to be fair, the calendar has been pretty well organised until now so you can attend as much as possible, but you’ll have to make the occasional closing decision!) At Booom! There’s the Cadenza Vagabundos Closing Party withLuciano, Derrick May and Mirko Loko... Then, just a stone’s throw away at Pacha, Solomun’s joined by Roisin Murphy as his final guest at Solomun + 1.  Plus, last but definitely by no means least, it’s the huge Space Closing Party. Starting at 4:30pm, you can expect every space in, er, Space to be constantly bouncing with great artists and tunes. The line-up so far consists of Carl Cox, Blackhall & Bookless, Camilo Franco, Charlie Hedges, Danny Marquez, Edu Imbernon, Javi Bora, Marco Loco, Nicole Moudaber, Paul Reynolds, Ramon Castells, Reboot, Remo, Uto Karem..... And many more to be announced soon...

Monday 7th October:

For those who are still going, today is the day of the famous Circo Loco Closing Party atDC10. Yet another party where the line-up is still TBA, but judging by their line-ups each week, we’re all in for a treat. The party starts early at noon, so if you've been to Space the night before you might want to roll straight to DC-10 for your afterparty! It runs late though, so you've plenty of time for a nap if you need it. Circoloco is the ultimate underground party, with very little production the focus is purely and the music and the people around you. There will be many of these! DC-10 gets incredibly busy between about midnight and 4am so its a good idea to mobilise before that and enjoy the open area, which received brand new decking for 2013.

Tuesday 8th October:

The final closing party of the season is a very special one: the Sankeys 24 Presents XXIV Veni, Vidi, Vici Closing Party. This is a celebration of Sankeys’ third and most successful year on the island. Not only are they celebrating the fact they’ve conquered the aims they set for themselves as a club, but they are also trying to break the Guiness World Record for the biggest toga party, encouraging partiers and DJs alike to get creative with their bedsheets.  The line-up so far includes Steve Lawler, Skream, Darius Syrossian, DJ Sneak, Reboot, Andrea Oliva, Âme (live), Miguel Campbell, Finnebassen, Hector Couto, Detlef, Rossko, Seb Zito, Antonio Piacquadio, Julian Perez, Bones, Andy Baxter and Marino Canal. This is a 24 hour party with more details and even more epic names to be announced soon so keep your eyes peeled!

So, there you have it. Your ultimate guide to the Ibiza 2013 Closings. Just remember to stock up on lots of vitamins, and take your sunglasses with you at all times. You never know how long these things will kick on!